Broadband Wireless Access & Applications Center

At The University of Mississippi



Journals Papers

  1. S. Pawar, D. Lee, H. Skinner, S.-Y. Suh, A. Yakovlev, “Decoupling and Cloaking of Rectangular and Circular Patch Antennas and Interleaved Antenna Arrays with Planar Coated Metasurfaces at C-Band Frequencies—Design and Simulation Study”, Sensors, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 291, doi:10.3390/s24010291, Jan. 2024.
  2. S. Pawar, H. Skinner, S.-Y. Suh, A. Yakovlev, “Cloaking of Equilateral Triangle Patch Antennas and Antenna Arrays with Planar Coated Metasurfaces”, Sensors, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 5517, doi:10.3390/s23125517, June 2023.
  3. Kattel, Bibek, Winn Elliott Hutchcraft, and Richard K. Gordon. “An Investigation of the Relationship between Effective Relative Permittivity and Infill Density in a 3D Printed Slab” The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES) (2023): 981-986.

Conference Papers

  1. Kattel, B., Ayan, U., Mohoppu, M., Villacorta, B., & Hutchcraft, W. E. (2024, March). Enhancing permittivity of 3D printing filaments via nanocompounding for electromagnetic applications. In SoutheastCon 2024 (pp. 1016-1021). IEEE.
  2. Keathley, C., Kattel, B., Hutchcraft, W. E., & Gordon, R. (2024, March). Analysis of Antenna Manufacturing Methods: Addressing Challenges in 3D Printing. In SoutheastCon 2024 (pp. 1496-1502). IEEE.
  3. Kattel, Bibek, Winn Elliott Hutchcraft, and Richard K. Gordon. “Exploring infill patterns on varying infill densities on dielectric properties of 3D printed slabs.” 2023 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA). IEEE, 2023.Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” to appear in IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 10 pages, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
  4. S. Pawar, H. Skinner, S. -Y. Suh and A. Yakovlev, “Cloaking of Rectangular Patch Antenna Arrays with Coated Metasurfaces,” IEEE Intl. Symp. APS and USNC-URSI, Portland, OR, USA, July 2023, pp. 1631-1632, doi:10.1109/USNC-URSI52151.2023.10237594
  5. Kattel, Bibek, Winn Elliott Hutchcraft, and Richard K. Gordon. “3D printed patch antennas with varying infill densities.” 2023 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA). IEEE, 2023.
  6. S. Pawar, D. Lee, H. Skinner, S-Y. Suh and A. Yakovlev, “Coated Metasurfaces for Decoupling and Cloaking of Rectangular Patch Antennas”, URSI Int. Symp., Vancouver, Canada, May 2023.


Journals Papers

  1. Shefali Pawar, Harry Skinner, Seoun-Youp Suh, and Alexander B. Yakovlev, “Cloaking of Slot Antennas at C-Band Frequencies Using EllipticalMetasurface Cloaks”, IEEE AWPL, special cluster 2022 on Functionalized Metasurface-Based Covers andUnconventional Domes for Dynamic Antenna Systems, Vol. 21, no. 11, 22 July 2022, pp. 2171-2175. DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2022.3193038
  2. Shefali Pawar, Hossein M. Bernety, and Alexander B. Yakovlev, “Graphene-MetalMetasurface for Cloaking of Cylindrical Objects at Low-Terahertz Frequencies”, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 130200-130211, 19 December 2022.DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3228833

Conference Papers

  1. H. Zhao, H. Fang, F. Wang and J. Liu, “Realtime Multimedia Services over Starlink: A Reality Check,” to appear in ACM SIGMM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), 7 pages, Vancouver, Canada, June 2023.
  2. L. Shen, F. Wang, M. Zhang, J. Liu, G. Liu and X. Fan, “AIoT-Empowered Smart Grid Energy Management with Distributed Control and Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” to appear in IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 10 pages, Orlando, FL, June 2023.


Journals Papers

  1. Shefali Pawar, Harry G. Skinner, Seong-Youp Suh and Alexander B. Yakovlev, “Cloaking of slot antennas at C-Band frequencies using elliptical metasurface cloaks” Accepted for publications in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, July 2022.

Conference Papers and Presentations

  1. Caleb Keathley, Elliott Hutchcraft, Richard Gordon, “On the Challenges of 3D Printing Microstrip Antennas”, 2022 IEEE AP-S/URSI Symposium, Denver, CO.., July 11-15, 2022.
  2. Bibek Kattel, Winn Elliott Hutchcraft, Richard Gordon, “On the Modeling of 3D-printed Substrates to Estimate Permittivity Based on Differing Infill Densities”, 2022 IEEE AP-S/URSI Symposium, Denver, CO.., July 11-15, 2022.
  3. H. M. Bernety and A. B. Yakovlev, “Graphene-Metasurface Structures for Low-Terahertz Applications,” Honolulu, Hawaii, 9-13 August 2021, invited paper to the special session on Novel Metamaterial Platforms for Advanced Radiation, Propagation and Scattering Phenomena, Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), page 153.
  4. Shefali Pawar, Harry G. Skinner, Seong-Youp Suh, and Alexander B. Yakovlev, “Metasurface Cloaks for Reduction of Mutual Coupling in Slot Antennas at C-Band Frequencies,” 2022 IEEE APS/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and propagation, July 10-15 2022, Denver, CO, USA (2 pages).
  5. Shefali Pawar, Hossein M. Bernety, and Alexander B. Yakovlev, “Graphene-Metasurface Structure for Cloaking Applications at Low-terahertz Frequencies,” 2022 APS/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, July 5-10 2022, Denver, CO, USA (2 pages).


Conference Papers

  1. H. M. Bernety and A. B. Yakovlev, “Graphene-metasurface structures for low-terahertz applications,” ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2021, invited paper in the special session “Novel Material Platforms for Advanced Radiation, Propagation and Scattering Phenomena,” Honolulu, Hawaii, August 9-13 2021 (accepted, to be presented in-person).


Journals Papers

  1. H. M. Bernety, A. B. Yakovlev, H. G. Skinner, S.-Y. Suh, and A. Alu (2020). “Decoupling and Cloaking of Interleaved Phased Antenna Arrays Using Elliptical Metasurfaces”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 4997-5002, June 2020.

Conference Papers

  1. J. N. Daigle, G. A. Humphrey, II, H. C. Lena, V and A. Sarker (2020). “Optimizing Scan Times of BLE Scanning Systems”. Proc. IEEE ICCCN 2020, Honolulu Hawaii, 3-6 August, 2020.
  2. S. Pawar, S. Mastromatteo, A. B. Yakovlev, H. M. Bernety, H. G. Skinner, S.-Y.Suh, and A. Alu (2020). “Cloaking and decoupling of interleaved microstrip monopole arrays at 28 GHz and 39 GHz using elliptical metasurfaces for 5G wireless applications”. 2020 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, Montreal, Canada, 5-10 July 2020, 2 pages (presented in the online format on 9 July 2020).
  3. S. Pawar, S. Mastromatteo, A. B. Yakovlev, H. M. Bernety, H. G. Skinner, S.-Y.Suh, and A. Alu (2020). “Elliptical metasurface cloaks for decoupling and cloaking of microstrip monopole antennas at 28 GHz and 39 GHz for 5G wireless applications”. 2020 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference, Montreal, Canada, 5-10 July 2020, 2 pages (presented in the online format on 10 July 2020).
  4. S. Pawar, H. M. Bernety, H. G. Skinner, S.-Y. Suh, A. Alu, and A. B. Yakovlev (2020). “Mantle cloaking for decoupling of interleaved phased antenna arrays in 5G applications”. METANANO-2020, invited paper in the special session “RF and Microwave Applications of Complex Electromagnetic Structures” Tbilisi, Georgia, 14-18 September, 7 pages (accepted, to be presented in the online format).
  5. H. M. Bernety, S. Pawar, H. G. Skinner, S.-Y. Suh, A. Alu, and A. B. Yakovlev (2020). “How to decouple and cloak interleaved phased arrays?”. 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials and Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2020, September 28 - October 3, 2020, New York, NY, USA, 3 pages (submitted, online presentation).
  6. Wang, Z and Wang, F and Xue, J and Brown, T and Zhang, J. (2019). “Traffic Aware Wireless Visual Sensor Network Deployment for 3D Indoor Monitoring”. IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 28 Aug 2019.


Conference Papers

  1. H. M. Bernety, A. B. Yakovlev, H. Skinner, and S.-Y. Suh (2019). “Metasurface Cloaks for Decoupling Closely Spaced Phased Antenna Arrays”. 2019 URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, May 27-31, 2019, invited paper to the special session “Antennas and Microwave Devices Inspired by Electromagnetic Band Gap” 2 p.
  2. W. Ahmad, J. Tak, A. B. Yakovlev, and H. Xin (2019) “Near Field Electromagnetic Cloaking of Monopole Antennas for Mutual Coupling Reduction Using 3-D Confocal Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks”. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, 7-12 July 2019, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1 p.
  3. S. Tuladhar, L. Cao, and R. Viswanathan (2019). “Markov Chain based Performance Analysis of LAA and WiFi Coexistence in Dual Carrier Aggregation”. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), July 19- 21, 2019, Wuxi, China.


Journals or Juried Conference Papers

  1. G. Gulati, K. Morris, M. Liang, A. B. Yakovlev, and H. Xin (2018). “Microstrip Near-Field Cloaking Prototype Using 3-D Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks”. IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.
  2. G. Moreno, A. B. Yakovlev, H. M. Bernety, D. H. Werner, H. Xin, A. Monti, F. Bilotti, and A. Alu (2018). “Wideband Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks in Printed Antenna Technology”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
  3. G. Moreno, H. M. Bernety, and A. B. Yakovlev (2017). “Wideband Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks in Antenna Technology”. IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, 9-15 July 2017.
  4. M. Morrison, et al. (2017). “Research Gaps and Opportunities in Sensor-Based Medical Exploration Capabilities in Extravehicular Astronaut Suits”. Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
  5. M. Morrison, J. Daigle, Ralston J (2015). “A Biosensing Approach for Detecting and Managing Head Injuries in American Football”. Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 6 (4), .
  6. S.Tuladhar, L. Cao, and R. Viswanathan (2018). “Throughput and Channel Occupancy Time Fairness Trade-off for Downlink LAA-Cat4 and WiFi Coexistence Based on Markov Chain (poster)”. 2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA).
  7. W. E. Hutchcraft, R. K. Gordon, E. Lackey, J. Booth, M. Whitley, C. Rudd (2017). “A Comparison of Sierpinski Patch Antennas Operating at Wi- Fi Frequencies Manufactured Using Different Fabrication Techniques (Abstract)”. , Advanced Technology Workshop on Additive Manufacturing, Huntsville, AL, September 13-14, 2017.

Other Conference Presentations / Papers

  1. John Daigle (2015). “A Biosensing Approach for Detecting and Managing Head Injuries in American Football, Keynote Address”. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Atlanta.
  2. J. Daigle (2017). “A Performance Perspective on Function Virtualization for Small Cells in 5G Cellular Networks”- Keynote Talk. 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29) held in Genoa, Italy, September 4-7, 2017. Genoa, Italy.


Journals or Juried Conference Papers

  1. A. Kharel and L. Cao (2016). “Improved decoding for Raptor codes with short block-length over BIAWGN channel”. IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), July 6-8, Kunming, China.
  2. A. Kharel and L. Cao (2016). “On the performance of LT codes over BIAWGN channel”. IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), July 6-8, Kunming, China.
  3. G. Moreno, H. M. Bernety, and A. B. Yakovlev (2016). “Reduction of Mutual Coupling between Strip Dipole Antennas at Terahertz Frequencies with an Elliptically Shaped Graphene Monolayer”. IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Puerto Rico, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
  4. M. Morrison, G. Humphrey, J. Daigle, J. Ralston, J. Thibado, and A. Ralston (2016). “Secure and Connected Telehealth Approach to Mitigating Concussion Risks in Student Athletes”. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) 2016.
  5. F. Wang, F. Wang, X. Fan and J. Liu (2017). “BatAlloc: Effective Battery Allocation against Power Outage for Cellular Base Stations”. ACM e-Energy, pp.234-241, Hong Kong, China, May 2017.
  6. G. Moreno, A. B. Yakovlev, H. M. Bernety, D. H. Werner, H. Xin, A. Monti, F. Bilotti, and A. Alu (2017). “Wideband Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks in Printed Antenna Technology”. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
  7. G. Moreno, H. M. Bernety, and A. B. Yakovlev (2017). “Wideband Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks in Antenna Technology”. IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, 9-15 July 2017.
  8. H. Kasasbeh, F. Wang, L. Cao, and R. Viswanathan (2017). “Generous Throughput Oriented Channel Assignment for Infra- structured WiFi Networks”. Proc. IEEE WCNC 2017, pp. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, March 19-22, 2017.
  9. H. Kasasbeh, L. Cao, and R. Viswanathan (2017). “Soft Decision Based Distributed Detection Over Correlated Sensing Channels”. CISS 2017, pp. 1-6, March, Baltimore, MA, March 22-24, 2017.
  10. J. Daigle, D. Komma and F. Wang (2016). “Measurement Results for File Transfer Using RaptorQ in a Mobile Environment”. IEEE ICACCI, pp.342-348, Jaipur, India, September 2016.
  11. P. M. Kaminski, A. B. Yakovlev, and S. Arslanagic (2016). “Mantle Cloaks for Elliptical Cylinders Excited by an Electric Line Source”. URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) 2016, Espoo, Finland, 14-18 August 2016.
  12. X. Fan, F. Wang and J. Liu (2016). “On Backup Battery Data in Cellular Base Stations: Measurement, Analysis, and Optimization”. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp.1513-1522, Indianapolis, IN, October 2016.

Other Conference Presentations / Papers

  1. John Daigle (2015). “A Biosensing Approach for Detecting and Managing Head Injuries in American Football”, Keynote Address. 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Atlanta.
  2. R. Rodgers, K. Singh, T. Williams, and M. Morrison (2016). “Exploring Sensor Solutions for NASA’s Medical Capability”. Mississippi Louis Stokes Minority Participation IMAGE Conference, October 1, 2016.
  3. John Daigle (2016). Keynote Presentation: “Fountain code based protocols for improving Internet content delivery”. IEEE, ICACCI Conference. Jaipur, India.
  4. B. Baughman and M. Morrison (2017). “The Relationship Between Multi-modal Neuropsychological Measures and Head Impact Telemetry Over the Course of a Single High School Soccer Seas”. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. New Orleans, LA.


Refereed Journal Papers

  1. H. M. Bernety and A. B. Yakovlev, “Decoupling Antennas in Printed Technology Using Elliptical Metasurface Cloaks,” Journal of Applied Physics, (submitted, October 2015, accepted, December 2015, published 7 January 2016), vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 014904-1 – 014904-11, 7 January 2016.
  2. G. Moreno, H. M. Bernety, and A. B. Yakovlev, “Reduction of Mutual Coupling between Strip Dipole Antennas at Terahertz Frequencies with an Elliptically Shaped Graphene Monolayer,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, focused special cluster on Graphene and Two-Dimensional Materials for Antenna Applications, pp. 1533-1536, vol. 15, 2016.
  3. M. Morrison, J. Daigle, and J. Ralston, “A Biosensing Approach for Detecting and Managing Head Injuries in American Football”, Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Accepted Oct 20, 2015.

Conference Publications

  1. G. Moreno, H. M. Bernety, and A. B. Yakovlev, “Reduction of Mutual Coupling between Strip Dipole Antennas at Terahertz Frequencies with an Elliptically Shaped Graphene Monolayer,” IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Puerto Rico, 26 June - 1 July 2016 (submitted 5 January 2016, to be presented 29 June 2016).
  2. M. Morrison, G. Humphrey, J. Daigle, J. Ralston, J. Thibado, and A. Ralston, “Secure and Connected Telehealth Approach to Mitigating Concussion Risks in Student Athletes”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) 2016. Invited Paper.
  3. A. Kharel and L. Cao, “Improved decoding for Raptor codes with short block-length over BIAWGN channel,” accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), July 6-8, Kunming, China.
  4. A. Kharel and L. Cao, “On the performance of LT codes over BIAWGN channel,” accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), July 6-8, Kunming, China.

Conference Publications–Outreach

  1. R. Rodgers, K. Singh, T. Williams, and M. Morrison, “Exploring Sensor Solutions for NASA’s Medical Capability”, Mississippi Louis Stokes Minority Participation IMAGE Conference, October 1, 2016.
  2. M. Morrison, D. Waddell, M. Valliant, L. Woodard, J. Robinson, and G. Humphrey, “Heads in the Game: A STEM High School Concussion Outreach and Research Program”, IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, Princeton, NJ, 2016. Best Paper Award.