Application Areas at the University of Mississippi
- Reconfigurable antennas and 3D antenna printing
- Metamaterials for antennas
- Cognitive radios
- Stochastic Modeling for Virtual Network Function Processing in small-cell based Open RAN
Spectrum Sensing and Channel Assignment
Promote coexistence of Wi-Fi and LTE systems by studying and advancing two technologies:
- Cooperative and correlated spectrum sensing to efficiently determine usable channels
- Optimal channel allocation and occupancy to maximize throughput and fairness
Co-existence could pave the way to building a single global solution framework for wireless communications
Bluetooth low energy (BLE) transmission in an industrial environment where WiFi devices are in operation is of interest. Considering mutual interference caused by those transmissions, a goal is to determine operable number of devices that can yield acceptable quality of service.
3D-Printed RF Devices
- Investigate RF devices and antennas that have been fabricated using traditional techniques such as milling machines and 3D printers such as the Voxel8
- Devices that will be compared include dielectric cloaks and a Sierpinski fractal antenna
- Investigate 3D-printing on structural foam directly, without any plastic
Antenna Cloaking
- Explore the operational principles behind metasurface cloaks used in planar antennas for reduction of mutual coupling
- Develop a 3D-printed technology for metasurface cloaks integrated with planar antennas
- Fabricate and test devices using these principles and combined expertise of investigators at UM and UA